Musings of an insomniac…

Once upon a time, Amina was a girl who suffered from insomnia *in case you didn’t realise, I am referring to myself* I remember laying in my bed for hours on end…begging for sleep…watching the clock tick – thankfully, that time in my life is over!!! I spent most of that time hearing EVERYTHING (I’m…


To goodbyes and the words we sometimes never really say.


Here’s one from my 2012 archives…


Home is where we want it to be…

A score in a mile

“…If the world is worth living in, then the rules are worth following…”


“It’s important in life to conclude things properly. Only then can you let go…”


Here is to colours and what they mean to me…


Hi guys!!! I can’t believe we’re in half way through September already!! Seems like yesterday I was wishing everyone happy new year. It got me thinking about ‘tomorrow’ and what it meant to me; and that thought inspired today’s poem. Here is what tomorrow means to me…. What does tomorrow mean to you?? – leave…

Concrete walls

Hello everyone. How did you weekend go??? Here is another one from my archive. I wrote today’s poem around the same time I wrote the poem I uploaded on Friday (read here). Looking back, I’m just really thankful for how my life turned out and how blessed I am now. Just goes to show you can’t…


I couldn’t decide what I wanted to write about today until I saw this flow chart of life (image above). It got me thinking about how many of us are living zombies – just letting life pass us by! Waking up each day doing the same thing over and over. No matter the situation, it’s…