

She wonders
She wanders
Her mind travelling through time past
She is still the same as she was
So much has happened
Yet she remembers nothing
It feels like she’s been watching
Watching her life like a movie

What will tomorrow bring?

Will she succumb to her fears?

She wonders
She wanders
Basking in the quietness of it all
Will she wither
Or will she shed
Leaping like a baby dragon
Finally trusting
That its wings will hold it high

Will she thrive?

Where will the next path lead?

She wonders
She wanders
Will she walk the path less travelled
Will her choices define her

Will she let go?

Will she live?

6 Comments Add yours

  1. Operation X says:

    There is uncertainty in life and it is best to embrace this uncertainty. However, we should formulate our own purpose. I have found my own purpose by learning to speak endangered languages. Creating your own purpose in life is essential.
    – Dyami Millarson

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amina says:

      But how do you find your purpose. This is a question I’m constantly asking myself. Being able to attain inner happiness despite other successes.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Operation X says:

        That is an adventure. It isn’t a process that requires rational understanding. Life just happens, and at some point you get the right inspiration about what to do. I experienced a really sad period in my life more than 10 yesrs ago, and so I focused on learning languages as a way to distract myself. I read a lot of books about languages too. Eventually I got the bright idea not just to learn languages, but to save endanbered lamguages and to help last speakers. I think this was my best idea so far, because it is altruistic and charitable. I do it for free because I like making people happy. Some people do not understand why I do this, but I do it for the people who appreciate my mission.
        – Dyami Millarson

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Operation X says:

        Sorry for the typos. I am using my phone.


  2. Ehn new year post Oshay

    Sent from my iPhone


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amina says:

      😂 it’s about time


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