Haiku #10

Hi guys, it’s been exactly a month since I blogged last. I’d like to blame this partly on writer’s block – but I’ve also been extremely busy this past month – end of ramadan, work, party planning… I’m just glad that things are finally back to normal now.

I’ve missed you guys!!!!!!!

I’ve missed having conversations with you in the comment section – it feels really good to be back 🙂

 Scars from a past life

Split skin merging into one

The pain…never fades

As usual, lets continue this Haiku, you can reply to mine starting yours with the last line of my Haiku.

Enjoy the rest of your week guys.


7 Comments Add yours

  1. Wonderful to see you back Amina!! I have missed your Haiku’s a lot. Writer’s block is tough but I am glad you’re coming back with yet another fabulous haiku to show us. You are truly talented!
    I was wondering whether you would be able to have a look at my most recent post on my blog? I went on a Go Ape adventure and I explained how it all works! laurelella.blogspot.com
    Thanks Amina!
    Lauren xx 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Amina says:

      I’ll have a look at some point today Lauren x


  2. kiwinana says:

    Haiku one of my favourite ways to write poems. Here’s carrying on your Haiku.
    The pain… never fades, Alway’s there to remind me, Age is catching up.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. ElderJohn says:

    you have also inspired me…i shall commence my Haiku series on 14th Monday….2017…august …
    but this aside… your poetry is bliss and sincerely deep reaching


    1. Amina says:

      How am I just seeing this? I sincerely apologise as I haven’t blogged for a few months… Thanks for reading my poems, I am trying (again) to be consistent with my writing. Heading over to check out your blog now 🙂


      1. ElderJohn says:

        welcome back Amina… you sure have this art in you


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